Tuesday, February 09, 2021

What if ... ?

 The following poems were inspired by Shel Silverstein's poem Whatif

Everything seems well, and then

the nightmare WHAT IF I NEVER strikes again.


What if I am never the person who I want to be?

What if I’m never proud of myself?

What if I’m never brave enough to tell what is right

and how I look at things?

What if I never achieve my goals?

What if I never get up from bed?

                                                                      Eva, 9. a

Whatif I get B at test.

Whatif I don’t see my friends anymore.

Whatif my IQ falls.

Whatif tomorrow I score a goal.

Whatif I die.

Whatif I’m not able to say goodbye.

Andraž, 9. a

What if I get bored?

What if I’m not adored?

What if I break my arm?

What if I forget to set up my alarm?

What if I get lost?

What if I forget my toast to defrost?

What if I turn invisible?

What if my life gets miserable?

What if I lose my keys?

What if I get bitten by the bees?

Pia, 9. a