This country lies between Alaska and the USA. The capital is Ottawa, but the biggest city is Toronto. The population is about 33,7 million people. The official language is English but they also speak French. The flag has three lines, two red and one white in nthe middle. There is a leaf, too.
I went there last year with my family and friends. We travelled by plane and we were there for one month. First ten days we travelled by a camper. We visited a lot of national parks nad lakes. We saw many bears! We didn't go for a shopping because we were in the middle of nowhere for most of the time. I spoke English there. We were there for a long time so I didn't have a choice!
I like this country because it's so big and empty. There are million of kilometres of forests! Just nature. I would definitely live there!
Ava, 7.b
My favourite country is Macedonia. This country lies in the southeastern Europe. The capital is Skopje. The population is about 2 million people. The official language is Macedonian. The flag is red and there is a yellow star in it.
I was born in Macedonia. I lived there about six years. Last time I was there I travelled by car. I was with my family. I was there for about two months. I saw a lot of museums. I bought a lot of souvenirs and postcards. I didn't speak English there, I spoke Macedonian.
I like this country because i was born there and there are a lot of good places where you can go by foot. At this time, I don't want to live there, because it is too hot, maybe some other time.
Mila, 7.b
This country is in Europe. The capital city is Paris. It has a population of 66 million people. The official language is French.
I went there in summer holidays. We stayed there for 12 days. We travelled with a caravan and with my family. We saw a lot of things and we visited different camps. We ate spaghetti and sauces, pizza and many other things. We met a lot of people. We didn't speak English. We had to speak French and Italian, because they didn't speak English.
I like this country because it isn't far away from Slovenia. I wouldn't like to live there, because I don't speak French and I don't want to speak French, because it is a difficult language.
Lan 7.b
My favorite country by now is Egypt. The capital of this big country is Cairo. Just Cairo has a population of about 10 million people. In Egypt people speak Arabic, but they also speak many other languages which are very simular to Egyptian Arabic. I was in Egypt for autum holidays for eight days. I went there by plane and with my family. I saw many diffrent things like: mummification museum, the pyramids in Giza, the valley of the kings, some snakes, a desert, Siwa oasis, many diffrent temples, springs, museum in Cairo, etc.
I bought some souvenirs and took some sahara sand with me. I ate ''normal'' food becouse we were in hotels. We traveled 2,890 km with public transport. It was awful! The most of our time we spent in Siwa oasis. It is very dirty, but also very beautiful. There are a lot of nice people. We also met some Slovenians. In Egypt people speak English only with tourists. I think they learn it in school too.
I don't want to live there. It is too hot (40 degrees C in autumn), it is too dirty and people are very poor. Maybe I would live in Siwa if it it were claner and more civilized. I like Egypt becouse of a beautiful little ''city'' called Siwa.
Larissa, 7.a
Germany is in Evrope. The capital of Germany is Berlin. It has 82 million people. Their official language is German.The flag is black, yellow and red.
I went there by bus. We were there two week, with my dance team. I saw beautiful city Riesa.There we saw the hall named Riesa. I bought a lot of food, drinks and T-shirts. I ate hotdogs and bananas with chocolate. I met many dancers. There, I spoke English.
I like this country, because it is very interesting, beautiful and I like their language. My family also live there. I would like to live there. It's my favourite country in Evrope.
Taja , 7.b
Italy is in Europe. The capital city is Rome. The population is about 60 million. The official language is Italian. The flag is green, white and red.
I was in Italy from the 23rd April to 2nd May. So I was there ten days. We travelled by car. I was there with my family. We saw the colosseum and we were inside it. I saw Pompeii, Vatican, Napoli and a lot of soldiers. We didn't meet anyone and we didn't speak English there. We spoke Slovene.
I like this country bacause it is beautiful and it has many interesting objects. I like their language. I wouldn't live there because I like Slovenia more.
Urša, 7.b
England is in Great Britain, in Europe. The capital and the biggest city is London. The population of England is about 51 million people. The official language is English.
I went to England in December 2010. I stayed there for a week. I travelled by plane and my mother was with me. When I was there, we visited Buckingham palace, London Eye, Natural history museum, British museum, Science museum and Aldwych theatre. We saw changing of the guards.
We bought a lot of interesting souvenirs and postcards. We spoke English there.
I really like this country because of all the sights, but I wouldn't like to live there because I have a family and friends here.
Petra, 7.a
Turkey is in Asia Minor. The capital city is Ankara. The polpulation is 79 million. The official language is Turkish. The flag is red with a white moon and a star.
I went there when I was seven years old. We were there two weeks. I was there with my family. We were cruising on a wooden ship. I saw many beautiful beaches there. I swam there. I didn't speak English because I couldn't. We didn't buy anything.
I like this country because it's special. Turkey has a natural spa. I wouldn't like to live there because I really love Slovenia.
Anja, 7.a
Austria is a part od Europe. The capital is Vienna. The population is about eight million people. The official language is German. The flag is white and red.
I travelled to Austria for last winter holidays. I stayed there one week. I went with my parents and friends. In Austria we went skiing, we visited different shows and bought some clothes. I met my friend. In Austria I spoke German.
I like Austria because it is big and they have many ski slopes. I don't wan't to live there because I like Slovenia.
Domen, 7.a
Czech Republic
Czech Republic is in the central Europe. The capital is Prague. They have a population of about 10 million people. They speak Czech.
I was in Czech Republic last year for summer holidays for a week. I travelled with my family by car. We saw many interesting things, We visited many cities: Prague, Brno and Plzen. We went to many museums. We didn't buy many things. I liked Czech ice-cream. It's called "zmrzlina". Their official language is Czech, but they can also speak a little English.
I like Czech Republic because it is small and has a big capital with my favourite house (dancing house). I wouldn't like to live in Czech Republic because I like Slovenia more.
Ema, 7.a
Greece is my favourite country. It is in Europe, The capital is Athens. It has got eleven million people. People speak Greek. The flag cosists of blue and white stripes.
I was in Greece with my family four years ago. We travelled by car. It was a very long trip. It took twenty-four hours. First we stayed in Athens and we saw a lot of interesting things. The most popular was Acropolis. We ate souwlaki and Greek salad. I loved this food. After visiting Athens we travelled to the Corinth Canal and went to the seaside. We camped near the oldest town, called Naphlia in Peleponesus. We also visited the open theatre in Epidaurus, Mikene and Menenuasia.
I really like this country and I will return back once. Maybe I will also live there.
Luka B., 7.b
Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. In Denmark people speak Danish. The capital is Copenhagen. The population is about 5 million. They have a queen, Margaret II. The flag is red and has a white cross. The country is flat, the highest natural point is Nollehoy (170 m).
I was in Denmark with my family with a caravan car in summer 2008. We visited Legoland and spent there one day. There are many playgrounds. We stayed in a nice camp. We used our bikes. It was easy to ride a bike, as the country is flat. In Odense we visited the house where Hans Christian Andersen was born. He was the writer of fairy tales. In Copenhagen we visited the statue of the little Mermaid. We spent one day in a great zoo in Copenhagen. My mum's friend is a director of that zoo. I spoke English with his kids.
I really like Scandinavian countries. We plan to visit Stockholm and Sweeden this year. It was nice to visit Denmark in summer. In winter it is very cold and dark there, so I prefer to live in Slovenia. I also like the mountains in Slovenia.
Luka V., 7.b