Monday, November 30, 2009

An interview

Hello! What´s your name?
I´m a circus mouse!
You are very famous. Is that true?
Yes, it is! I´m famous.
You are a circus mouse, so you are very clever, aren´t you?
Yes, I am! I can jump, hang on the rope, stand on the ball and lot of other things!
You are really clever, Mister mouse! Can I ask you, what´s your favorite food?
Oh, I like peas, cheese, salad, mushrooms, strawberries and chocolate. This is my favorite.
And where do you live?
Oh, in a Mouse village. It far, far away, but is very, very beautiful!
Thank you, very much, Mister mouse and have a successful circus life!

Thank you very much, too!
Nice to meet you, bye!

Ava, 6.b